On April 3rd from 2 – 3 pm, about 22 scouts attended a presentation about what it is like to work in the video gaming industry, specifically Call of Duty MW3. The special guest speaker for the event was Ms.Catherine Shue, who worked in the video game industry for many years and worked on video games such as The Godfather video game, Spore, and Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3. Ms. Shue is also the Cubmaster for Pack 14.
Highlights from her presentation included describing her role as Producer for CoD MW3, working with story writers, military advisors (including navy seals, delta force, etc.), setting up training sessions with members of seal teams, creating voice actor dialogue, hiring and working with the voice actors, working on in-game cinematics, working on animations, working with the sound director on the music, and acting as project manager for Call of Duty MW3. As part of doing research and analysis to develop a realistic game, she showed videos of her attending tactical training sessions where she learned from trained military operators how to operate firearms and conduct other tactical engagements. At the end of the presentation, scouts asked questions. It was a very interesting and educational presentation. Thanks Ms. Shue!