All Troop Outing Spring, 2019: Pinnacles
This was probably one of the hardest outings for several of our scouts in our patrol due to the rain, wind, and cold temperatures at the park.
The rain had been pouring all night before, and there were puddles everywhere. We began by meeting up at the scout house. After, we drove to the visitor center, checked in, and headed for the trailhead. We began our hike and headed up the reservoir. Once we reached the reservoir, however, we ran into a problem. Our planned trail had been blocked by an overflow of water, and we had to take another route.
We got back, and the rain stopped just in time to set up our tents and our food and cooking stations. then, it started raining slightly, and the wind was really powerful. We ate our dinner, and went up to SR. patrol for skits and songs and retiring the flags, but the only thing we did was retire the flag. then we went to bed.

(Excerpts extracted from Troop 57 Times, Spring 2019)
(Pictures from