On Friday evening, we arrived around 7 pm to get settled down and help assist a wonderful dinner made by Mr. Piryazev’s luxurious portable kitchen (potatoes, sausage, and a good old salad; dessert was apple crisps!). Lina came later into the night and drank some heartwarming tea. The climate at night was a bit chilly, but luckily it didn’t rain! (there wasn’t even morning dew)
The next day we woke up bright and early to begin breakfast (yogurt with blueberries and granola, croissant) so we could catch the shuttles for our 5-miler. We had 41 people that attended the hike, with 20 scouts (including us 4 Scouts from T4057 & 57). I think it was a real success; we had a great time leading and assisting everyone! Shout out to Willy for help treating a scrape wound for one of the Cubs, as well as Willy and Samuel for maintaining order at the front of the hike line (p.s. Cubs are energetic!!) One of the sweeter highlights of the hike was the cave, but it was quite the trek to get there with the streams and narrow passages. In the end, I think it was such an amazing experience and not the average hike. We spotted some courageous climbers on one of the steep mountains (they waved!)
Unfortunately we didn’t get to the activities that were planned later that afternoon because everyone was so beat. But the potluck was an extreme success, and I found myself hovering over many delicacies. The campfire program was really enthusiastic and a success, it’s great to see that the Cubs have so much creativity! After, everyone shuffled back to their campsites and got ready for another calm night.
This has been such a wonderful experience; the Cubs were so nice to be around and I really hope to come to another outing with them in the future. Thanks for everyone in Troop 4057 & 57 who were able to make it!
-Julie Yang (4057)