On March 7, 2021, the Court of Honor took place in a zoom webinar. Many scouts completed new merit badges and achieved higher ranks despite the setbacks of the pandemic. First, we started with the opening ceremony reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, Scout Oath, Scout Law, and the Outdoor Code. Next, there was an introduction to our troop leadership. After that, we started the Advancement Awards for the scouts who got a new rank.
- Scout: Billy Eberle, Will Jackson, Eddie Ling, Trevor Milne, Avi Prakash, Ronan Teetzel, Chase Wong.
- Tenderfoot: Mason Lee, Julia Taylor.
- First Class: Kai Harrington, Ria Mirchandani.
- Star: Audrey Adams, Alex Bradford, David Campbell, Tayton Chow-Gregory, Jesse Gross, Nathan Hunt, Ellen Kim, Tony Liang, Turner McFarland, Kai Mirchandani, Aiden Son, Marissa Tang, Jacob Weiner, Vivian Wu, Benson Zhou.
- Life: Gabriela Hakeman, Stanley Liu, Piper Lyons, Marisol Meier, Rafferty Meier, Jack Shinghal, Rachel Snyder, Eric Sun, Genvevieve Thesen, Arthur Tran, Zachary Wiener.
Overall, the Court of Honor went smoothly thanks to everyone who took part of this event. We wish everyone’s well being as we continue to grow our troop and create new opportunities for outings.
-Troop Historian (Bruno Wu)