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All Troop Campout

Troops 4057 and 57 held their second combined Campout this spring at Henry Coe campground on May 11-12th. Seven of the nine patrols attended and scheduled different events on Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning. The highlight was a campfire exercise where all patrols competed for a box of Oreos. In true scout spirit, patrol 403 won but shared with both troops. We had a clear sky and great weather. Many Scouts left the rain cover off their tents so they could see the stars as they went to bed.  Most patrols worked on camping and cooking skills and some took the opportunity to take long hikes and got some great photos of turkeys, deer, and snakes. Some lessons learned were to have a good vehicle load plan and check equipment before you go. Potable water was not available so we had to make sure that our equipment vehicles had enough drivers. Patrol 402 had a great dinner plan of tacos and chicken quesadillas, and shared with patrol 403. Patrol 403 returned the favor Sunday morning with egg and cheese wraps. Two scouts from 402 completed First Class skill requirements and one completed Scout requirements. All three will be looking forward to “ranking up!” at the next BoR. Congratulations!  Also, as always, a special thanks to our ASMs and other adults who joined. Looking forward to our next outing!

Photos are here.
