(Access the Troops’ merit badge advancement tracking sheet template.)
Steps involved in pursuing a Merit Badge
Scout is responsible for making sure that the Blue Card is completed and signed.
- Patrol Lead ASMs have the ability to start merit badges in Scoutbook.
- Scout asks their Patrol Lead ASM to give Initial Unit Leader approval on Scoutbook to initiate Merit Badge pursuit.
- If the Patrol Lead ASM is not available, then the Scoutmaster or alternative ASMs (e.g., Oljato ASMs, etc.) can provide the initial Unit Leader signature in Scoutbook.
- ASM or SM will recommend 2-3 possible merit badge counselors for the scout to work with – the district maintains the list of approved merit badge counselors in ScoutBook. ASMs can reference this list for the scout.
- Scout sends an email to a merit badge counselor to ask them if they will be their merit badge counselor. The scout tells their ASM who they will be working with so the ASM can assign the merit badge counselor to their record in Scoutbook.
- Scout earns Merit Badge (see below for “Places to Earn Merit Badges”).
- Scout sends email to Merit Badge Recorder (mbrecorder@troop57.net) to let them know they have completed the merit badge in Scoutbook. The MB Recorder will approve the merit badge in Scoutbook.
- Merit Badges must be completed and approved two weeks prior to a Court of Honor to be received in that Court of Honor. A deadline date will be announced. Scouts should check Scoutbook on the deadline date to confirm all merit badges have received final approval for that Court of Honor cycle.
- Inquiries related to Merit Badge issues. Contact Merit Badge Recorder at mbrecorder@troop57.net . Please include your Patrol and Troop number in the subject line.
Places to Earn Merit Badges:
- Meeting with a T57 or T4057 merit badge counselor (MBC) on your own.
- Merit badge courses offered by a Troop/Patrol MBC to the troop/patrol.
- Summer camp at Oljato, Emerald Bay, etc..
- Merit Badge Midways and other opportunities offered by Pacific Skyline Council. (http://www.pacsky.org/Activities/BoyScout/)
- A Pacific Skyline Council MBC who is not part of T57 or T4057 (Contact your ASM for help)